Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Learning how to treat symptoms of Parkinson's Disease....

I was doing some searches this morning for information  regarding treatments for Parkinson's Disease and am really amazed at the amount of information that is available to us via the Internet today.

When I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease back  in 2004 their wasn't much information available with regards to different types of treatments for the Disease. Most of the treatment information I found was with the traditional allopathic drug approach via Sinemet.

Very little Alternative treatment information was published at that time.

Now, I would say that their is almost too much information available.  It can be overwhelming to someone who has been newly diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.

The standard treatment is still to treat symptoms with Sinemet.  But now they have also added a host of agonists to the regime that are suppose to help relieve symptoms of the disease.

Unfortunately, for some, the new drugs and/or agonists just seem to complicate the original  symptoms of the disease with new symptoms from side effects of the drugs. Anyone who has Parkinson's Disease, will tell you that adding more symptoms... to our already burdened body, is not a good thing!

What I have learned over the past 8 1/2 years of living Parkinson's Disease is this...

Everyone is different . I chose Alternative treatment...because that is what spoke to me the strongest.

If you have been recently diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease... I  urge you to seek out as much information as possible, from as many resources as possible. Trust your gut instincts... you know your body better than anyone. If your doing or taking something that is making you feel worse... or you aren't getting the results you want to feel better. Don't give up hope... keep searching for the treatment that suits you and gives you the results you want.

Remember, you can feel better! It takes hard work and determination to get the results you want. Read, read, read!!! Learn as much as you can so you can help yourself. Don't depend on your Doctor or Pharmacist to know everything. You have to take an active part in your daily healthcare...  Knowledge is Power!

My website address is ... if you would like to read what I originally published in 2005 through 2010... It contains my personal story and journey of living with YOPD and how I chose my treatment in the early years of being diagnosed with Parkinson's.

In 2011, I started communicating via my new blog. If your interested in following up with my personal story and what I am doing now... follow the link below:     

What I am doing today to treat Parkinson's Symptoms 
Diet, Exercise, Water, learning to Breath/relaxation play an important role along with supplemental Amino Acids and the herb Mucuna Pruriens.

updated August  30, 2013