Friday, August 23, 2013

A non traditional approach to Parkinson's Disease ...turn symptoms on and off with our Brain!???

Information for a non traditional approach to relieving symptoms ...posted by Clement Meadmore someone who suffered from Parkinson's Disease .

You may be able to relieve symptoms by intentionally recreating the symptom.
Sounds hard to believe... Sounds too simple to really work.

As I sit here this morning with tremors in my left leg and left arm (I have not taken any of my herbal form of dopamine yet this morning)... making it difficult to type.  I try shaking my arms and hands very fast  intentionally to take control of the tremor. I start and stop this several times over several minutes.
At the end of this experiment.... I notice that my tremors which were out of control a few minutes ago... are now quiet. This feeling of stillness in my body last a few minutes... then the tremors start again.

Obviously will  require much more dedication on my part to see if their are any significant, long lasting positive effects. But seems to be a fairly easy task to repeat throughout the day.

Question to myself ....Am I willing to give it a try!

To tell you the truth ... I'm not sure! It sure seems easier to take my Herbs and Amino's to help me control my symptoms! Unfortunately, their  is no easy solution to this illness called Parkinson's.

I am providing a link to this information for those of you who would like to decide for yourself  if it is worth trying.  It doesn't cost anything.
Warning! Does require reading and taking responsibility for doing the necessary work to help yourself.

Is it possible to Overcome Parkinson's symptoms with intentional recreation of symptoms, turning them on and off with our Brain

Disclaimer: This article was written by Clement Meadmore (deceased) a  Sculptor and Parkinson's Patient.  No medical or scientific references were claimed. Therefore, we are on our own to do more research into this topic.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

For those of us with Parkinson's Disease the future may be brighter... Integrative Medicine may play an important role.

Studies that give us an insight into possible genetic link to the Immune System/Parkinson's. Amino Acid therapy-AMA offers continuing Education classes on Amino Acid therapy for Parkinson's.

Why  Integrative Medicine may prove beneficial.

Genetic link to Immune System and Parkinson's

Holistic therapy and Parkinson's

Amino Acid therapy of Parkinson's/ A Case Study

AMA continuing medical education class on this treatment of PD with Amino Acids.

Hope for my recovery from Parkinson's Disease has always consisted of Integrated Medicine.

I saw many Neurologists when first being diagnosed in 2004 with Parkinson's.
Including Neurologist's at the Mayo Clinic and Barrow's Neurological Center located in Arizona. All suggested prescription drug treatment for my symptom's. All explained the short term life of those prescription's with a list of possible side effects. All said their was no cure for Parkinson's. All gave me a bleak outlook for the future.   I was 47 years old then.

I tried several of the agonist's that are currently prescribed for Parkinson's.
The agonist's caused severe side effects for me. The side effects were too detrimental, so after taking the agonist's for a couple of years. I decided to stop using them.

I tried Intravenous Glutathione therapy at an Alternative Naturopathic Clinic... it was great in the beginning. During this time I felt great. The tremors were gone and I had tremendous energy and it made me feel great! I slept better and overall just felt really good. Unfortunately, as time went by the amount of Glutathione had to be increased and the positive results seemed to go away. My tremors returned and even progressed from just my left arm to include my left leg.

At the suggestion of a Naturopathic Physician I tried a compounded form of Carbidopa, not Sinemet. Sinemet is a combination drug. The Carbidopa that I used was only Carbidopa. It worked fantastic... from the first pill I took ... It gave me temporary Euphoria... It alleviated all my symptoms. No more shaking! Again I felt great!

Again it didn't last... After about 3-5 months, I had to increase the dosage. With the increased dosage came side effects. We tried adding the herb Mucuna Pruriens to the mix of what I was taking... it helped for awhile but I couldn't figure out what dose to take. Larger dosage of the Carbidopa was giving me dystonia. And the combination of Mucuna and Carbidopa bothered my stomach to the point I would vomit regularly.

It was at this time that I found the website
After several postings on this site, someone sent me a message and asked If I heard of the work being done with Amino Acids and Parkinson's. I had not heard about this and that is how I came to learn of the treatment that I started in April of 2009 and continue to use now. Amino Acid therapy of Parkinson's/ A Case Study

I went to the website and got a referral to a licensed Naturopathic Physician trained in using this Protocol. I went to see her in April of 2009 and continue to see her today.

The treatment is not without challenges... it is not a cure.
It has allowed me to quiet my tremors for long periods of time throughout the day with out side effects.
My Pd has not progressed. It is in my left arm and leg. Again this treatment is not without challenges and the expense is considerable.
Overall this treatment has worked best for me and I choose to continue to follow this path.
The expense is well worth it to me... my life would be impossibly difficult to manage without it. So I make the financial sacrifices it requires in order for a better quality of life.

My Naturopathic Physician uses traditional and alternative methods in my overall treatment. She treats me and sees me as a whole person... not a disease or an illness. We discuss my treatment plan and I actively play a part in my care and treatment. She actually listens to me when I tell her something is working or not working.

I feel confident and comfortable sharing information with her... I'm the one with Parkinson's Disease and I actively research and read as much information as possible on the subject of Health and Diet. She steers me in the right direction when I get off center... my own intuition has guided me positively and played a big part  in my journey to recovery.

She supports me with sound advice from years of training and practicing Naturopathic Medicine.

If you are interested in learning more about Naturopathic Medicine and finding a Naturopathic Physician you can go to this site for comprehensive up to date information.

If you live in an area where Naturopathic Physician's are hard to find... you can talk to your Medical Doctor or Neurologist and ask them to read the above information or have them attend an AMA continuing medical education class on this groundbreaking treatment of PD with Amino Acids.

We are all unique and are all affected differently. We deserve to have access to as much information available with the most up to the date information in our fight against Parkinson's Disease.

Integrative Medicine may be key in playing a big part of our future ...we all need to be the best we can be.

Genetic link discovered between immune system