Friday, September 13, 2013

I choose to learn everything I can to help myself... Understanding Parkinson's - How the Brain is affected!

I choose to learn everything I can  to help myself. (This information was posted originally by me on November 1, 2011 ... I think it is worth looking at again!)

The link below will take you to an article and diagram of how the brain is affected when you have Parkinson's Disease.

Understanding Parkinsons  I read this and actually understood it. I mean really got it!!!  A light bulb went off in my head and it just all made sense to me... It helped me to understand the reason for the tremors and muscle problems that are associated with Parkinson's. And the purpose and thought behind the creation of the traditional drugs prescribed for PD, how they are suppose to work... and why they eventually don't work!

Reading this and seeing how the Brain is affected by Parkinson's Disease made me realize how what I take into my body in the form of food, medicine and or herbs/vitamins can affect how my brain and body function together.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What you eat and when .... Parkinson's Medication/ what to eat and when-Protein and Carbohydrates. It can be confusing!?

I use a natural source of Dopamine via the herb Mucuna Pruriens to treat symptoms of Parkinson's and have found that it seems to work better or worse... depending on what and when I eat.

Wanting to get the most benefit from the herbs ... I started to research how what I am eating is interacting with the herb that I am using.

I found detailed information via a blog Parkinson's Disease Nutrition written by a Registered Dietitian

If you are using  Sinemet, Madopar or any of the agonist's to treat symptoms of Parkinson's ... and want to get a better understanding of how food interacts with Parkinson's Drugs... check out  The Parkinson's Disease Nutrition blog

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The topic today ... Have you ever thought about why or how you got Parkinson's Disease?

I originally asked this question on my website back in 2005. At the time not very many people were asking that question or related it to the Environment that we live in.

I  thought that if we could all share our stories, somehow it would help to unravel the mystery of this serious illness... or maybe give us a little insight... connect the dots,  so to speak.

I even heard from a board member from a Neurological Center in Phoenix. He told me I was a natural  advocate and asked if I would  be interested in joining the board.... 

Due to unforeseen personal events in my life... getting a divorce! I did not follow up with any of the responses from anyone who responded to my postings.

The timing seems right to ask the question again!

Have you ever thought about why you  have Parkinson's Disease?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Adding Superfoods to your diet .... could it protect and/or improve your overall health!?

This morning I would like  to share with you information about some foods that are considered to be  Superfoods 

If their is one thing that I have learned in my journey over the last 10 years living with Parkinson's Disease...

What I eat directly affects how I feel... keeping that in mind.

I have tried to incorporate eating healthier, cleaner, greener food. It's not always easy!

Reading about and refreshing my memory about Superfoods and how they can help my general overall health helps me to re-focus.

This information is shared via links that you can click on ... giving you the opportunity to read about each one individually and determine for yourself it worth adding to your diet?


Fruits and Nuts



