Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Parkinson's, Gut health and me.... Gut health Priority number One! Getting started ..... Grass fed bones, water and some vegetables = Beef Bone Broth

Gut Health .... Healing Inflammation ...My Number One Priortiy!

Inflammation and Homocysteine levels ... let's get better! 
High Homocysteine levels may be indicator of ill health!

Herbs and Spices that may help fight Inflammation

Health starts in the Gut... "Is the Gut our 2nd Brain"? Heal the Gut - Heal Parkinson's

Finally it has sunk in... I cannot get well until I heal my Gut!

One step at a time...

Discovering the local Farmer's Markets ...

After moving to Missouri 3 years ago to restore an Old Victorian House ... which turned out Beautiful... but  not the right area for us to live...last year, we decided to move back to Arizona ...specifically to the Tucson area.

This area is new to me so I am just now discovering the local Farmer's Markets.

Three weeks ago ... I discovered a wonderful local Farmer's Market at St. Phillip Plaza located at 4280 N. Campbell Ave in Tucson.

The Market has an array of local vendors with a large variety of local Organic Produce, Eggs, Grass Fed Beef... and other health promoting natural products. The Vendors are helpful and well informed on the Products they sell!

I thought the Market was Awesome!

When I went to the Farmer's Market last weekend ...I went with a specific goal in mind.
I wanted to find grass fed Beef Bones and the ingredients to make my own  Beef Bone Broth.

With my mission accomplished ... Bones and Vegetables in hand...I searched for a recipe to get my Bone Broth started and decided to use a Basic Bone Broth Recipe that I found on Dr. Mercola's website.

On Monday morning I put all the ingredients as directed into a last Pot on my stove and started the cooking process... Cooking time 24 to 72 hours!

Monday night... didn't want to leave my stove on all night without supervision .... I turned the pot off and restarted it on Tuesday Morning!

Tuesday - I let it simmer on low all day... that night I decided to transfer it all to my largest crock pot and let it simmer all night.

Wednesday morning ... the house smells like soup! The smell is making me hungry and I want some of it!

I decide to try some of it.... so I ladled out about 6 ounces into a bowl through a strainer and taste it!

Truthfully, it seemed kinda bland...and a little greasy, it was also hot! Made me wonder if I am supposed to skim off the fat...answer; yes skim off the fat!  So I put it on the counter to cool for awhile...eventually, put a lid on it and set it in the fridge to chill and eat later.

When I went to the fridge to check on my Broth about an hour later... the fat had chilled and risen to the top of the bowl... so I skimmed it off and got rid of it!

Finally...after reheating the broth on the stove in a pan... don't use the microwave...tried the Broth with a little sea salt added for taste!

Still thought it was kinda bland but good!

So my first ever bone broth is a success!  Hooray for me!

Taking it one day at a time... healing will come... I know it will!

Each day I become more focused on what I put into my body... and the more I listen to my "Gut" instincts the more I realize that Good Health comes from eating Healthy real Food. 

"Today, is the first day of the rest of My Life"

I choose to live it the best way I can and make every moment count!

Healing Power of Bone Broth

Keeping the faith!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Parkinson's and Gut Health.... Is our Gut Health related to our Brain Health?

Realizing more and more that my Gut health is directly related to my Brain health...

Seems that I have always had an upset tummy... when I was younger I belched a lot, as a matter of fact my best friend's parents would always comment on my burps... they thought that it was funny!

Over the years... my tummy upsets and belching turned into gas and a distended belly whenever I ate certain foods.

Always on the search to figure out what is ailing me...

My searches have included gut health and brain the past not much information was available.

My most recent search on the topic found an abundance of information available on the topic. Seems to be an up and coming hot topic that deserves some real investigation.

Here are some links that may shed some light on the connection of Gut health and Brain health...

Parkinson's and gut-bacteria: a proven link

Parkinson's disease and the gut: a well known clinical association in need of an effective cure and explanation.

Importance of Gut Health for Prevention and Treatment of “Incurable” Neurological Disorders

Parkinson's-Where does the disease begin?

I encourage everyone to read as much information as possible in order to help yourself... I hope that the above links encourage you to continue investigating the topic more thoroughly for yourselves.

Keeping the faith...

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Review -Parkinson's -What's important in managing my symptoms via Dr. Marty Hinz amino acid protocol. Diet-healing your gut and exercise.

Just thought I would give a review of what I am currently doing to manage my Parkinson's.
This is evolving daily...

May 13, 2017

UPDATE... This Diet is working for me.... helps to keep my symptoms controlled.   7:1 Diet
Exercise has always made me feel better!
Here is a New Program that I just became aware of via a good friend...

 New form of Boxing helps Parkinson's Patients. It's called Rock Steady Boxing! 
 I am going to check it out ....  This sounds really promising!!!

My latest update on the "Gut Connection" and Parkinson's

I use Dr. Marty Hinz Amino Acid Parkinson's Protocol
Doctor Supervised treatment that I have used since April 2009.
I do not take any prescriptions drugs I only take what is prescribed via the Hinz Amino Acid Protocol under the direction of my Physician.
This is not a cure and does have it's challenges... if you've been following my blog or have read my website... you have read about my challenges.  It is also $$$Costly$$$
Products can only be purchased through a licensed Practitioner.
To find a Doctor near you call NeuroResearch Clinics at 877-626-2220

I am using Parkinson's Diet 7:1 Carbohydrate/Protein to help manage a more stable Dopamine level.... this eases tremor fluctuations, muscle rigidity and other PD associated symptoms.
I have always known that Food affects how I feel and is particularly important in management of PD symptoms. It is only recently that I found this 7:1 Parkinson's Diet ... been about 1 month since I have implemented it.... so far it does seem to help level out my Dopamine fluctuations.
I try to eat clean... incorporating more of a vegan, vegetarian lifestyle.  I do eat grass fed beef and wild caught fish.
I am not perfect... but if I get off track ... I try to get back on it at the next meal!

Exercise - Walking, swimming, light weights
I have found that exercise is as good as gold ... helps with all symptoms and improves flexability and mood.

I take Probiotics and eat fermented vegetables to help heal my Gut ......Healing your Gut
more information becoming available with regards to relationship of Gut health and Parkinson's. 
This topic shows great promise in treating many of today's health challenges. 

I read and research about all available treatments for Parkinson's Disease. Including all Allopathic, Alternative and Naturopathic treatments.

Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain-For Life
Interesting Book that is a worthwhile read!

Please remember that I am a Parkinson Patient sharing my personal experiences. We all experience Parkinson's in our own way... no one treatment can treat every person with similar results. I encourage everyone to do your own research. Read as much as is available on the topic!
With Persistence and Perserverance you can live your best life possible... with Parkinson's.

Keeping the faith,


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Parkinson's - Diet is KEY.......7:1 Diet(Protein:Carbs) for Parkinson's Disease ... Can it help manage symptoms?

My mind is all  over the place with excitement.... whenever I find information that is new to me and gives me hope .... I can't contain myself.  And this morning I have new hope!

If I can manage my symptoms more easily .... this gives me more energy to do the things that I like to do... and want to do in my everyday life.
The 7:1 Diet may be a long term answer.

Let me start out by clarifying that I am just a Parkinson's Patient ... I have no Degrees in anything... I consider myself a true Investigator and Specialist of sorts in my own journey with Parkinson's.
"I know me better than anyone."
And my inner me has always guided me toward seeking out the best in myself....

My journey with Parkinson's began in 2004.

It's been 12 years now since my original Diagnosis. It hasn't been an easy road. The longer I have Parkinson's... the more my body changes with it and the challenges it brings can make daily life difficult to manage.

I have always been affected by the food I eat... with Parkinson's it is pretty much an immediate reaction with regards to symptom relief and or control. I can be calm or I can be out of control shakey and rigid.

We are all different and Unique and experience Parkinson's in our own Unique way.

 "Diet" is key in Parkinson's for me....What I eat has an affect on the Dopamine that I take for symptom tremors and rigidity/pain are dominant for me.

Understanding Parkinson's take a quick look at this gives a clear picture of how the Brain works and how Dopamine/Acetylcholine are affected in Parkinson's Disease. It kinda puts a link to why food affects us.... at least it made the connection easier for me to understand.

Every food we eat creates a reaction in our body.

The 7:1 Protein:Carbs Diet may be helpful in keeping levels of Dopamine more even throughout the day....

I have only been doing this for a short time now... but the results are pretty amazing! At least they are for me...
I use an herb to help control my PD symptoms and have always had fluctuations in my symptoms.
I am finding that Vegetarian or Vegan foods in 7:1 Protein:Carb ratio are helping to maintain my dopamine levels throughout the day with minimal tremors and or symptoms. If this can be maintained for long periods of time.... Wow!!! what a relief it is on my body and mind.

I am extremely hopeful that this will something that I can do long term!

The only problem is that it seemed like it was going to be difficult to try and determine the Nutrition factor every time I wanted something to eat!

Luckily we live in an amazing world of technology that can help me...

Apps for everything!

Making it easier to track Proteins, Carbs, Fats and Calories for every meal .... I downloaded an app (My Fitness Pal) it is Free
Their are many others that do the same thing... choose an app that is simple to use.

What I look at when determining what to eat...

7:1 Protein to Carb

example:   10 grams of Protein would need approx 70 grams of Carbs

This balance seems to work for me.... you will need to determine the right balance for yourself.
From what I have read it can be between 5:1 to 10:1 Protein to Carbs 

I would love to hear from anyone out their using this Protocol to help manage symptoms more evenly.

Keeping the faith

May 11, 2016

Just wanted to give an update on the 7:1 Protein to Carb balancing diet.

When I follow the 7:1 rule ... it does seem to help considerably in controlling and/or minimizing my tremors.
 While we are different and unique ... it might be worth investigating for yourself ...  see if it makes a difference for those of you who experience a lessening of effectiveness in dopamine after eating a meal.

Keeping the faith

Friday, March 25, 2016

Diet is the key ....7:1 Parkinson's Diet ...Carbs:Protein diet... helps keep Dopamine levels more even...... giving you better management of symptoms

Starch Solution Diet not quite the right fit for me..felt low energy and gained weight.
It did help with tremors ... but overall didn't feel quite right on this diet over a period of time.

Keeping up my search for the right diet for me and my PD....

I discovered that finally after all these years... someone has done the research and put together a diet specifically targeted for the Parkinson's Patient.
I don't know how many searches I have done in the past with relationship to Diet and PD...  never came upon this 7:1 Diet until just this week.
So glad I didn't give up....

The 7:1 Diet focuses on keeping Dopamine levels even ... Balancing.... Carbs:Protein with the hope that dopamine levels could be maintained at a level that would allow for greater PD symptom control and relief.

I always knew that what I am eating affects me tremendously... finding the right balance is key in my symptom relief .... just need to find the right balance ... maybe this will be it!

Can't wait to give it a try!

Diet and Parkinson's-

Parkinson's -Nutrition Matters

Parkinsons-7-1 diet 

Keeping the faith,
