My Husband's daughter asked me to teach her about what to put in a smoothie. Not feeling confident I could answer that fully without too much prejudice for what I personally like.
The next best thing...find a really informative website.
This site gives more information than I could ever think of putting into my blog or verbally telling her.
I think you will like this: Smoothies, how to make the most of them
If you would like details about why and how Bill Clinton changed his
diet from the "American Standard Diet" to eating primarily a plant based
"Vegan Diet" and the research he personally did about becoming
healthier. Here is a link you will find helpful. Plant based diet He
gives clear cut reasons, why he felt the need to take charge of his own
life and diet. It really rings true for me and why I personally felt
the need to change my own diet.
Juiced this morning. Same as yesterday, since I had all the fruits and veggies cleaned and ready to go. It's really amazing how good this tastes.
Still impressed with my new juicer. It is really quiet and emulsifies everything, creating awesome juice.
Studies show whey protein may be beneficial for patient's with Parkinson's Disease by increasing Glutathione levels.
Writing daily has become really therapeutic for me and hopefully helpful to those of you who have found my blog. I know your out there... at least my stats tell me so... please join me by becoming a follower or signing in with your email address or making a comment to one of my posts. I would really love your feed back.
Lunch today was amazing!
I made a Salad with Mixed Greens, alfalfa sprouts, red pepper, carrots, cucumber, sunflower seeds, chopped red beets and broccoli. Used some of the french dressing I made the other day, combined it with a mashed ripe avocado, then tossed salad in dressing. Dressing consisted of olive oil, apple cider vinegar, paprika, fresh ground mustard seed, raw agave, sea salt and pepper. This is probably one of the best salads I have had in a long time.
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