When I first started to research about Parkinson's Disease back in 2004 their really wasn't much information available about how it affected someone like me. Female and age 47. The information I found was grim and didn't offer me much hope. You can read more about my story at my website newfacesofparkinsons.com
I started out researching the typical allopathic treatments... which included reading about the drug Sinemet, along with other drugs that were being used at the time. Reading about all the side effects associated with these drugs... made me feel that it wasn't right for me. I never responded well to drugs in the past... so it was just a gut intuition thing that didn't feel right for me.
It was a natural choice for me to look for alternative treatments for Parkinson's...That's just who I am. Everyone is different and we each have to follow our own Path.
Nowadays their is a plethora of information out there... some of it free and some of it not free. I've read a lot of it. Some of it good and some not so good.
My Personal Experience is this...
In the eight years since being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, what I have learned is this...
Parkinson's Disease is different for everyone. What helps one person, may or may not help someone else. You have to do your own research and try what works for you. Listen to your gut instincts. If something sounds to good to be true... it probably is. It's true ... their is no known cure for PD at this time. But, that doesn't mean you can't feel better and function better. What you put in your body plays a huge part in how you feel.
I can take a variety of herbs and supplements (and I do) but the biggest difference comes from what I put into my body via food. Using Food combining to reduce inflammation in my body seems to also help with my symptoms. Breathing...taking time to learn how to breathe and reduce stress. Drinking enough water is equally important. Finally exercise... got to move to feel good. They all play an extremely important roll in how I feel.
If you are reading this blog and have recently been newly diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Please read as much as you can to help yourself. Whether you choose Allopathic care or Alternative care or a combination of both. You need to be aware of all the methods available so you can help yourself.
Parkinson's Disease is not a death sentence... but it does change your life.
I choose to be in control of my life... I can make a difference. I do it everyday!
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