I got a slow start to the "Starch Solutuion Diet" ... Over the weekend.... we attended a Wedding on Saturday.
This probably sounds weird but in order for me to have a good day... dopamine working and tremors under control... In the past, I would usually not eat or eat very little when I knew I was going to be out and about ... then their would be no interference in my dopamine delivery.
So ... while I was out doing what I wanted to do... in this case go to the Wedding and feel calm.... I didn't eat much...I had a Homemade Vegan- Oil Free, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Pumpkin Carrot Muffin that I had made early in the day.
Felt pretty calm most of the morning and afternoon.
Dinner was at 7:00 p.m. by then... I was starving! Dinner consisted of a Salad, Bread, Steak, Chicken, mixed squash and mashed potatoes.
Normally, I would have eaten the Bread/butter with my salad... but this time I only had the Salad and a small amount of Ranch dressing.
I then ate the mixed squash and potatoes... still feeling really hungry .... I ate the Steak (about 5-6oz)
Around 9-9:30 p.m.- my tremors started in my left leg and arm....tremors started out mild and increased to pretty intense... this effect was noted about 1-2 hours after eating dinner with Meat Protein.
This is and has been a pretty standard noticeable effect for me after eating a Meat Protein inclusive meal.
The tremor connection is not something new ... most Doctors and Parkinson's suffers know that Protein interferes with Dopamine delivery and even recommend not eating Protein til late in the day... so any negative effects would be felt late in the day.
Hence, the reason for trying the Starch Solution Diet.... I am tired of not eating or eating very little in order to have my dopamine work. Eating this way... has not been healthy!
I think that eating / or not eating ...then eating too much of the wrong things because I was starving... contributed to my increase of Cholesterol level and Sugar level.
My hope in following the Vegan/Starch Solution Diet is to find a more well rounded and healthier way of eating.... that will allow me to feel my best and be the best that I can be living with Parkinson's.
Recipes seem abundant ... once you start doing a search on the Internet.... it also stimulates my creative side ... inspiring me to create my own recipes or modify the ones that I like!
Here 's a great place to start low fat vegan chef
...What I ate
Monday Oct 5th 2015
Mcdougall Smoothie
1/2 Frozen Banana
1/2 cup Frozen Strawberries
1/2 cup Frozen Pineapple
1/2 cup Orange juice
Blended in my Vita Mix ... tasted great!
and I also ate
1 Pumpkin Carrot Muffin (note:I added 1 T chia seeds to the recipe)I made these Gluten Free by using Mehl's flour
Mehl's flour is a great substitute for traditional wheat flours .... you basically can substitute it cup for cup.
I ended up eating another Pumpkin muffin and some leftover soup that I had made earlier in the week for lunch.... Soup was combination of Potato, carrot , celery , onion, vegetable broth, miso paste, seasoned to taste with Turmeric and Cinnamon. Cooked until all veggies soft then thrown into my vita mix blender.
Mcdougall Split Pea Soup
The soup was delicious... I wondered how it would taste without the traditional Ham/ham bone that I usually make it with... but no problem ... it was delicious! Very filling .... did not feel hungry at all later in the evening.
Note: I added 1 1/2 teas of smoked paprika and did not add the tomatoes or herbs... didn't miss them at all!
I had a pretty calm day... tremors hardly noticeable most of the day.
Anyway ... that was day one of following a primarily plant based diet high in Complex Carbohydrates.
If anyone reading this... and I know your out there... I see the stats on my Blog
Would love to hear your thoughts and comments!
Keeping the faith...
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