Sunday, January 29, 2017

Parkinson's Disease - "Gut Instincts" and the "Brain Gut Connection"-Is the Gut our Second Brain? The Dopamine Connection!

Hi... My Name is Laurel and I have been living with and writing about Parkinson's Disease for about 12 years now.

From the time I was a little girl ... I have always had strong "Gut Instincts".
When I listened to "My Gut Instinct" it usually led me in the right direction and/ or gently guided me to make the right decision. When I didn't listen to it, I could get into trouble..

After doing some research on the Parkinson's Disease "Gut" "Brain" Connection, it seems clear that their is a direct connection via a complex neural Network.
Meet your second brain, the gut!

So when I say, I have been following my "Gut Instincts" with regards to my health my entire life. I really have been following my "Gut Instincts" or "My second brain".

If you have been following my website Blog regarding my journey with Parkinson's know that I have chosen to use an Alternative form of treatment known as the Dr. Marty Hinz Amino Acid Protocol

This was a personal choice made by me to follow "My Gut Instincts".

Following this Protocol has had it challenges... using any form of Dopamine supplement comes with it's own set of challenges. And the longer I have had PD ... the more challenges I have encountered... most via Stomach issues. As well as challenges with certain food interfering with the effectiveness of Dopamine working to keep Parkinson's symptoms at bay. ie: tremors.

I have always thought that what I ate affected the effectiveness of the Dopamine I take... I noted that when I ate Protein it definitely affected the Dopamine. I also noted that it wasn't just Protein that interfered with Dopamine effectiveness... it was also Fats, Carbohydrates and Sugar.

Over the years I have done research on food interference of Dopamine Supplementation and constantly brought up the subject with my Physician. My Physician stated that their was not much information written on this subject, with the exception of the generalized Protein interference that I read about.

I never found much information written about this complicated subject.

 Until Now.....

The following links give some insight into how Food, Digestion, and finding the right diet for yourself can have an amazing effect on someone living with Parkinson's Disease and how to get the most out of Dopamine supplementation.

Particularly Important for Patients with Parkinson's Disease who have "Gut Issues"  "Gut Problems" or "Gastroparesis"


Food in general can have an effect on Dopamine absorption

Parkinson's 7:1 Diet

Parkinson's Disease Nutrition Matters

Vegetarian Diet and Parkinson's 

Nutrition you can live with.... finding the best diet for you

Nutritional Considerations in Parkinson's

Brain Function affected by Gut Bacteria

Treating Parkinson's through the Gut instead of the Brain


Natural treatment for gastroparesis

Dr. Weil Natural treatment for Gastroparesis

Fixing a leaky gut-lactobacillus-plantarum Dr. Perlmutter

My Favorite Morning Smoothie right now!


Blueberry and Spirulina may have health benefits 

Blueberry Spirulina Smoothie

1/2 C Fresh Organic Blueberries
1/2 C Frozen Organic Blueberrie
1/2 tsp Organic Spirulina Powder
1 C Fresh Homemade Organic Almond Milk
1/2 C Purified Ionized Water

Keeping the faith,

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