Monday, June 30, 2014

Is Gluten really the problem? My journey continues... knowledge=power

Gluten Free!?

Is Gluten really the problem...

Much of what I am hearing from people today is that they seem to have "stomach and/or bowel issues", along with other health problems. Consisting of a variety of symptoms  ie:  Bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea  and stomach pains.

People I know and meet are going Gluten Free... including myself!
The problem is that going Gluten Free doesn't really help resolve all the issues!

It seems to be a deeper problem.

Inflammation at the root of all illness

GMO- Genetically Modified

The more I read about GM foods... the more I realize I don't want to eat it! None of it!

GMO labeling-why we need it!

That's why my diet is consisting more and more of real whole foods.

I feel better eating this way!

Not only are my stomach issues resolved eating this way...

Parkinson's symptoms are better!

Tremors are better controlled and my muscle rigidity is much better.

It works with my alternative treatment using Herbs and Aminos for my PD.

Breakfast today

Sweet Potato Smoothie-
1/2 cooked peeled sweet potato (frozen)
1/2 raw shredded peeled sweet potato
1/2 banana (frozen)
1 C Almond Milk (homemade)
1/2 c spring water
1/2 shredded carrot
sprinkle of each ( to taste)
 turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne
3 ice cubes

I found this website yesterday Young and Raw

I thought that the diet plan they offer looked great. Well planned and not too expensive! Only $39 for 30 day meal plan and lots of information to help you get started and stay on track.  If your looking for a way to improve your health... take a look at what your eating. You may want to start eating real whole food.

Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory foods

Til next time...
Keep the faith, keep moving!