Thursday, March 31, 2016

Parkinson's - Diet is KEY.......7:1 Diet(Protein:Carbs) for Parkinson's Disease ... Can it help manage symptoms?

My mind is all  over the place with excitement.... whenever I find information that is new to me and gives me hope .... I can't contain myself.  And this morning I have new hope!

If I can manage my symptoms more easily .... this gives me more energy to do the things that I like to do... and want to do in my everyday life.
The 7:1 Diet may be a long term answer.

Let me start out by clarifying that I am just a Parkinson's Patient ... I have no Degrees in anything... I consider myself a true Investigator and Specialist of sorts in my own journey with Parkinson's.
"I know me better than anyone."
And my inner me has always guided me toward seeking out the best in myself....

My journey with Parkinson's began in 2004.

It's been 12 years now since my original Diagnosis. It hasn't been an easy road. The longer I have Parkinson's... the more my body changes with it and the challenges it brings can make daily life difficult to manage.

I have always been affected by the food I eat... with Parkinson's it is pretty much an immediate reaction with regards to symptom relief and or control. I can be calm or I can be out of control shakey and rigid.

We are all different and Unique and experience Parkinson's in our own Unique way.

 "Diet" is key in Parkinson's for me....What I eat has an affect on the Dopamine that I take for symptom tremors and rigidity/pain are dominant for me.

Understanding Parkinson's take a quick look at this gives a clear picture of how the Brain works and how Dopamine/Acetylcholine are affected in Parkinson's Disease. It kinda puts a link to why food affects us.... at least it made the connection easier for me to understand.

Every food we eat creates a reaction in our body.

The 7:1 Protein:Carbs Diet may be helpful in keeping levels of Dopamine more even throughout the day....

I have only been doing this for a short time now... but the results are pretty amazing! At least they are for me...
I use an herb to help control my PD symptoms and have always had fluctuations in my symptoms.
I am finding that Vegetarian or Vegan foods in 7:1 Protein:Carb ratio are helping to maintain my dopamine levels throughout the day with minimal tremors and or symptoms. If this can be maintained for long periods of time.... Wow!!! what a relief it is on my body and mind.

I am extremely hopeful that this will something that I can do long term!

The only problem is that it seemed like it was going to be difficult to try and determine the Nutrition factor every time I wanted something to eat!

Luckily we live in an amazing world of technology that can help me...

Apps for everything!

Making it easier to track Proteins, Carbs, Fats and Calories for every meal .... I downloaded an app (My Fitness Pal) it is Free
Their are many others that do the same thing... choose an app that is simple to use.

What I look at when determining what to eat...

7:1 Protein to Carb

example:   10 grams of Protein would need approx 70 grams of Carbs

This balance seems to work for me.... you will need to determine the right balance for yourself.
From what I have read it can be between 5:1 to 10:1 Protein to Carbs 

I would love to hear from anyone out their using this Protocol to help manage symptoms more evenly.

Keeping the faith

May 11, 2016

Just wanted to give an update on the 7:1 Protein to Carb balancing diet.

When I follow the 7:1 rule ... it does seem to help considerably in controlling and/or minimizing my tremors.
 While we are different and unique ... it might be worth investigating for yourself ...  see if it makes a difference for those of you who experience a lessening of effectiveness in dopamine after eating a meal.

Keeping the faith

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a year ago at the age of 68. For several months I had noticed tremors in my right hand and the shaking of my right foot when I was sitting. My normally beautiful cursive writing was now small cramped printing. And I tended to lose my balance. Neurologist had me walk down the hall and said I didn’t swing my right arm. I had never noticed! I was in denial for a while as there is no history in my family of parents and five older siblings, but now accept I had classic symptoms. I was taking pramipexole (Sifrol), carbidopa/levodopa and Biperiden, 2 mg. and started physical therapy to strengthen muscles. nothing was really working to help my condition.I went off the Siferol (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on parkinson’s herbal formula i ordered from Solutions Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the Parkinsons disease natural herbal formula. i am now almost 70 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! Visit there website
