Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bill Clinton goes "Vegan"

Bill Clinton changes his diet!

Vegan,  plant based diet helpful in President Bill Clinton's quest for regaining his health!

This was from a post on my blog over 2 years ago ... thought it worth mentioning again!!!

If you would like details about why and how Bill Clinton changed his diet from the "American Standard Diet" to eating primarily a plant based  "Vegan Diet" and the research he personally did about becoming healthier.

Here is a link you will find helpful.

Plant based diet He gives clear cut reasons, why he felt the need to take charge of his own life and diet.

It really rings true for me and why I personally feel  the need to change my own diet... it is a work in progress!

I try to stay focused on my  health ... some days are easier than others!!!

Juiced this morning

1 green apple
1 piece ginger
3 carrots
4 cups mixed greens
1 cucumber
1/4 teas turmeric   may have Healthful benefits against Parkinson's

Keeping the faith,


  1. testing.... comments are now open and working!

  2. Thanks for posting ... I use a Jack Lalanne juicer. It was reasonably priced.. You have to clean it really good after each use... overall I think it works fairly well.
    Here is a link to what is new in the juicer world ....

    Let me know which one you decide on and how it works out for you?

    Hope you found the website information helpful!


  3. 2 new books might be interesting for us PwPs: "Grain Brain" and "Clean Gut" - have ordered them thru my local library!

    Will let you know on my juicer choice and results,


  4. Thanks for the info on the books ... I actually have looked at them in the past on Amazon. Let me know if they contain anything of interest that would be beneficial for me to take a look at concerning PD health.
