Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pesticides on our fresh produce and vegetables....

Here is a current list of produce and vegetables with rankings for what is safe to buy at the supermarket and what you should be buying organic  food list

It is a comprehensive list showing you what produce and/or vegetables are safe to eat.  If you are concerned about pesticides/chemicals in your food source,  this is an important list to save/print and post in your kitchen. I would make another copy to take with to the grocery store.

 FYI-  I continue to feel better.... still using the goat kefir daily, along with apple cider vinegar/molasses, liquid chlorophyll, raw honey and large quantities of water. Exercising daily.... is key!  I am doing at least 1 hour of walking on the treadmill along with stretching and floor exercises. Lifting light weights-3lbs and also 8 lbs. 

I don't always feel like exercising when I first get going in the morning... but, I make myself do it and the benefits are key to feeling better throughout the day!  I hope you are getting your work outs in too!

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