Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is it possible not to have "tremors" after a Parkinson's Diagnosis?

This is my journey... I share it with you.

Sitting here with "tremors" in my left hand and my leg bobbing up and down... I look for Inspiration to believe that "anything" is possible!

My Inspiration   Pat_Rummerfield

Pat Rummerfield,  A young man 21 years old,  in 1974,  was "paralyzed" in a car accident, given less than 72 hours to live,  not only lives...(From Wikipedia) is the first (first, key word here) spinal cord injury (SCI) quadriplegic in history to recover full physical mobility. He has numerous athletic accomplishments, and now works as a motivational speaker.

I became aware of this remarkable man while watching a recent episode of Extreme Home Makeover. Please watch  Pat Rummerfield on Extreme Home Makeover.
He decided not to follow the doctors' orders, and chose intensive rehabilitation. A very personal decision.
He was an inspiration on the show to a young man who had recently become a quadraplegic.
Recovery is possible.
It wasn't easy for Pat Rummerfield... he took his first step after "many years" of intensive rehab.

What this mean's to me?
When "they" tell you, "you will never walk again" or their is "no cure". You can make a difference. It is possible to defy the odds and make a difference.
Pat is living proof!

Thinking outside the Box
Pat Rummerfield was thinking outside the box... he chose his own destiny and refused to let anyone or anything get in his way.

What it takes
It takes Courage, Commitment, Determination and tremendous Patience..... following and listening to your "heart". Convincing your mind and body to go on the journey with you.
"Believing the journey is worthwhile and possible".

Pat Rummerfield's journey
It was his hard work and determination that allowed him to recover from being a quadriplegic.  
Can you imagine how much "work" that was?  He was defying all the odds... defying the "Doctors"... going on an unknown journey. No guarantees! Probably lots of skepticism and much criticism! He listened to his "inner voice". And it paid off!
His intense determination is Miraculous! Miracles do happen... I know it! He proved it!

My Goal

My Goal is to be the best person I can be...Healthier in Mind, Body and Spirit!
Patience, Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle, Commitment, Determination and Positive Affirmations/Visualizations are key in my journey. Listening to my "inner voice" !
Shutting out the skepticism and negativity is imperative!

I can make a difference. 

Knowledge is Power

I think that my body has always talked to me... Sounds crazy, but it's true!
It has guided me on my journey through this life, consistently nudging me in the right direction.
It has directed me to Alternative Health Care when the traditional medicines did not work or affected me negatively.
I trust my instincts... I will follow them... I will listen to my inner voice.

I choose to learn everything I can  to help myself.

Understanding Parkinsons  I read this and actually understood it. I mean really got it!!!  A light bulb went off in my head and it just all made sense to me... It helped me to understand the reason for the tremors and muscle problems that are associated with Parkinson's. And the purpose and thought behind the creation of the traditional drugs prescribed for PD, how they are suppose to work... and why they eventually don't work!

My Personal thought
I cannot relate to or depend on taking a pill with x amount of a man made synthetic substance and think it is going to be a   suitable substitute for what my own body makes consistently on a minute by minute, second by second or every milli second, without having side affects. Too much, too little!? It opens the door to more drugs to counteract the side effects.  Our body is unique to each one of us...How is it that a man made synthetic pill, can mimic each unique person's body chemistry and not cause problems. My common sense says, Impossible! 
It also made sense as to why the Amino Acid program that I had been using, was working and not working. Even though the Amino acids were made from natural sources...  how could they duplicate what my body does every milli second of everyday? Again, ...side effects inevitable.
This made me start to think about other natural ways to get what my body needs to function properly.

Water, Exercise, Food and Supplementation comes to mind...

My body is amazing! More powerful than I think! It knows how to heal itself. It's proven itself time after time.
It needs Water, Nutrients, Exercise, possible Supplementation and certain conditions to promote health.

I don't know about you, but drinking water was never a priority for me, until I read water cure. I now understand that because the body is primarily made up of water, approximately 75% water. Drinking water to maintain my body's proper balance, is essential to my health. Again, after reading this, I just got it!!! No more questions about why water is important to my health. 

Exercise makes a huge difference. I see it myself everyday... I can get on my treadmill  or exercise bike and be "shaking all over" (Elvis comes to my mind)  when I get on it... after 15 minutes they start to diminish, after 30 minutes they diminish even more... after 45-60 sometimes they are gone or minimal...  this can last for up to an hour or longer after exercise. The reason... my brain is making chemicals that get released from exercising, powerful chemicals that affect every part of my body and mind....  I have to Exercise everyday. It has proven itself as good as gold, good as taking a drug or natural herb or amino acid in calming my body down.

My Journey
This is were my brain gets going.... if this is possible with exercise... and my body is responding.  Why can't I re-create this feeling with a combination of exercise, food that I eat and some supplementation? After all, my body gets some of the nutrients that help make the chemicals needed to function... from the food I eat and exercise I do everyday.

"You are what you eat".  An old saying, ringing true to me! 

Do the Research
Their is too much information out there regarding "Diet" and how changing what you eat can change your life. I cannot be fooled into thinking that what I am putting in my body doesn't affect my health.

Detoxing, Plant Based Diet, Whole Grains and 2 serving's a week of (lower mercury) Fish 
Eating to sustain my life! Why this makes sense...New West Diet

I may need extra help... Healthy food and supplementing DHA, Vitamin D, B12 .  Important for you to Read and Discern for your self.  
I have added a teaspoon of cod liver oil to my diet per day.   Nordic Cod Fish Oil  
This is my path.  I am unique. 
Remember we are each unique... follow your own path. 

Environmental Factors 
I am sensitive to many smells and chemicals in everyday products. Making it a priority to be more aware of environmentally friendly household products.

My Vision

I have a vision of myself walking on a beach... the sun is shining, the water is turquoise blue. I take a deep breath and smell the salt air, it smells sweet of suntan lotion. I am calm, strong and healthy.  No tremors... No muscle spasm's... No hitch in my step. No pain in my hip.
Just a smile on my face and the sand in my toes.
I am Happy and Healthy.
This is my vision and it is real!

In the Past
I have gotten caught up in the past by Doctors and Neurologists negative "no cure" no matter what you do attitude... I have let them distract me from my inner voice that tells me I can feel better.
I have listened to past employers tell me to "just take the meds".
And you should  look into the "Brain Surgery/DBS".  
I have read negative emails that tell me "food, environment and what you put in your body have no affect on your health".

No More!
I know what is right for me... I am following my gut instincts and listening to my inner voice... the one that is persistently after me to do more research...

I Believe
I believe my mind and body have amazing ability to heal itself.    No quick fix. It takes hard work!

Their are many who made a difference, they chose a different path!
Here is a look at just a few of those who have beaten the odds...

Pat Rummerfield
 Dan Cummings
Guy-Claude Burger 

My Affirmation
I choose to believe!

I will continue my search to become my Best Self.... Exercise and Diet are key!
Research is imperative. I will Learn all I can to help myself... It will pay off... I know it will!

This is my journey... I am a work in progress! I am unique.  I will find my best self possible.

Sharing with you 
You are unique...
Read, learn and discern everything you can, and then live by it ... change is possible!

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