Saturday, May 7, 2011

Using Herbs and Amino Acids to treat my symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

In the beginning years of having Parkinson's symptoms; shaking, muscle spasms, and muscle tightness. I had depended on different alternative medical treatments in order to help my symptoms. Weekly Glutathione intravenous therapies helped tremendously with symptoms in the first few years. But, eventually had a wearing off affect and no longer was effective in relieving me of uncomfortable tremors, muscle contractions and spasms.

I then embarked on a journey of trying an agonist called Mirapex. Mirapex may work well for some, but did not work well for me. It caused me to become obsessive compulsive and just generally did not agree with me. I did not feel like my normal self. I do not want to go into details, but those of you who have experienced side effects know what I mean.

I eventually came upon another treatment using the herb Mucuna Pruriens and compounded Carbidopa, made by a compounding Pharmacy. In the beginning, I felt amazing, but this did not last. Similar to taking Sinemet, in the beginning you feel great, but eventually get worse.
Over time, I built up a tolerance to the Carbidopa and needed larger amounts of the compound, which caused me side effects of dystonia in my leg, arm and head. Along with tremors and muscle contractions, the toll it took on my body was too great and I had to stop this therapy. I couldn't function like this.

Again, I looked for a new alternative. In 2009 I came across a treatment using Mucuna Pruiriens and Amino Acid therapy. Actually, someone from the Patients like me website sent me a link to

I read the information on the neuorassist site and knew that I would give it a try.

I contacted Neuroassist through their website and they referred me to Dr. Dana Keaton, N.D. of Phoenix, AZ.

I started the Neuroassist combination therapy program in April of 2009.

It hasn't been an easy road. I have had many challenges. Mostly due to stomach related issues and taking the Amino Acids and Mucuna Pruriens. I have spent many days feeling sick with flu like symptoms. Including severe nausea and spontaneous vomitting. I know this sounds horrible, but I have stuck it out because the therapy does have positve effects.

The combination therapy has somewhat controlled the PD symptoms. Allowing me to have many hours during the day where I feel normal. That means, no shaking and no muscle spasms. Anyone who has PD knows that this is a big deal. No shaking for any period of time is like being NORMAL again. This was huge for me.

Now, getting to the purpose of this blog. Diet seems to play a huge role in how I feel while taking these Amino acids and Mucuna Pruriens and in general plays an important role in healing my body.

Neuroassist does write about possible carbohydrate and protein intolerance on their website. Unfortunately, I did not read this area before starting this therapy in April of 2009. If I had read that part of the website, I probably could have avoided feeling any stomach distress or at least minimized it considerably.

I have read many books concerning food and how it can affect the body. Both negatively and positively.

Along with using the Herbs and Amino acids to treat my Parkinson's symptoms; My goal is to share with you positive ways food can improve how our bodies feel and minimize symptoms of inflammation, which according to Dr. Richard Fleming in his book "Stop Inflammation Now" can contribute to symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, along with other Neurological and Inflammatory conditions.

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